These crazy times we find ourselves in.......
As I find myself with more unexpected time on my hands - along with the rest of the world - I guess now is a good time to start attempting to unpack and share some of my journey over the last two and a half years. What has felt like a nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from until I could see something being done about it, has now moved to front and center stage of our world. Playing out right before our very eyes. Thank you, Yeshua!
The stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. My stages of grief throughout the last almost three years has been denial, denial, denial, unbelievable and horrifying angst, nausea, insomnia, rage, depression, pleading with God for some way in which to help stop it and now to a total NON-acceptance. Things are not what they seem and they must be brought to light and stopped.
Embarking on this insane journey has cost me a lot. I’m sure if my family could have left me and disowned me, they would have - except for my amazing husband - who has believed me even though with squinted eye. It has cost me several dear and precious friendships that I mistakenly thought could handle my exploration into unknown territory. These friends put me (and our respective friendship) in their proper social “place”. Most others distanced themselves from me - except for all the other crazy conspiracy theorists and prophetic people. And they were mostly out in the internet realms. It has felt incredibly lonely, frustrating and traumatic to wake up to such brutal truths when everyone else is either unaware and/or doesn’t care if they are aware. But then I remember why I’m fighting and engaging (to fight and protect innocent lives being horrifically abused), I remind myself that though none go with me. I still will follow.
This wilderness experience has led me to the richest and most precious intimacy with Ru’ach Hokadesh as well as favor, blessing and anointing of Yeshua that I simply can’t contain or hold. My cup literally is running over. In every way imaginable.
The horrifying and evil things you are about to start hearing in the news with a deafening roar and pace are going to at first shock the hell out of you. I don’t mean that as cuss word but simply as a true fact. Then you will simply not be able to believe them.
I realize many of you reading this think I’ve totally lost my mind. This is true but not new for me…;)) Trust me….except for my never fails me husband, my entire family has totally discounted just about everything I’ve uttered about my research. Thinking of me as the “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist” that I am. How dare them?!?! LOL. I resented the title at first, however, I’ve grown to become extremely proud of it and of what it respresents. A conspiracy theorist is someone who questions everything, seeks truth and demands answers. Full accountability. Not dumbly or blindly accepting things as fact. When did that go out of fashion and be seen as a bad thing?!?! Perhaps a bit of social engineering going on…..hmmmmm but I digress….;))
So YES…I am a proud badge wearing conspiracy (two or more people discussing or conspiring) theorist (tests hypotheses to find truth). This dizzying and unbelievably disorienting dive down some really dark and deep rabbit holes led me to some of the most bizarre and unfathomable truths and revelations. Not willing to accept ANY of what I was seeing as truth first - and then after working though the stages of grief referenced above - I researched; dug really, really deep; prayed; fasted; wept more tears than I knew a person was capable and ultimately now have connected many of the dots that help me understand a bit about what’s happening in the public eye. Or soon WILL be, to a mind-numbing degree.
How does one take 2.5 years of intensive research and knowledge and then attempt to communicate it to an unaware public? I seriously have no clue. But I know that now is the time that I must give it a go. Along with every other person that has been navigating this bizarre reality in an effort to help others make some sense of it all. I’ve felt unbelievably muted, confused, unheard, disoriented and deeply frustrated that no one would listen or take any of this seriously. Until now. It’s all happening in the public view and everyone that has not been paying attention and/or doing the research are now finding themselves totally caught off guard and unaware. I have some definite answers as well as direction to help point others to. I don’t have all the answers obviously. Only a brilliant and breathtaking God could possess this and orchestrate this type of story. And I don’t even have a majority of the answers. But I do have enough dots connected as well as enough resources to point people to that are seriously looking for answers. I’ve waded through a lot of stuff…truth, lies and some of the most wacky stuff there is but finally feel like I’ve landed upon some firm foundation of what is true and what is really going on around us currently.
It’s all too much to attempt to share here. However, if you’ve read this up until now, I’m trusting, hoping and praying that you’ll want to join me on this journey of sharing our little piece of what God is revealing to each of us. Together we are strong. Divided we will fall.
If you’re curious and/or further interested, please send me a message and let me know. I’ll happily and freely share any and all resources I know of to help you sort through some of this!
Bottom line…..this is the absolute simply GREATEST TIME TO BE ALIVE watching all of this play out in such stunning, precise and accurate ways…..
Now I find myself with more friendships that I can successfully keep up with! I’ve struggled with communicating and staying connected with others my entire life. And that was with very few to little friends. Now I’m swimming in beautiful, real and authentic relationships that I’m struggling to be faithful and intentional with. So, if you’re one of these people and I’ve somehow let you down but not being better with loving, supporting and staying in touch with, please accept my deepest and most sincere apology. I seriously have THEE best of intentions but not all that great at follow through. My current prayer request these days is for faithfulness with all that He has given me and blessed my life… friendships being a huge part of this! The area of close friendships has been so deeply opposed throughout my life and story, I no longer want to take any of them (YOU!) for granted!
Let me know how I can be praying for you and/or supporting and encouraging you through this disorienting time. Love, joy and the deep and abiding shalom of Yeshua to you all!