Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here…….
I’m Leslie and I created this place, because like most of you, I have experienced a lot of ups and downs in my life that have created an incredibly glorious tapestry. However, being largely unaware of the devastating affects of trauma in my own life, I had lived the majority of my life from a shut down heart and a shattered mind without even being aware of it. A fateful encounter with a brilliant psychologist, sharing about how undiagnosed trauma affects our minds, our bodies and our spirits, completely brought down the house of cards that I had built in order to protect a deeply orphaned and traumatized little girl; and her various ages and roles ever since. My journey toward healing as a result of this encounter has led me down many different paths that I believe can help provide some helpful guides and road maps for others coming behind that might be struggling with similar issues.
I have no desire to attempt to sell or advertise any particular products, ministries, organizations, etc. except solely for the purpose of providing you a resource/tool for your own journey. I am not personally benefitting (financially or in any other way) from you going to them for help or assistance. I’ve just found myself in conversation upon conversation in which I end up jotting down a bunch of resources, that have been useful to me (and/or to others that I know and love) in my journey toward wholeness and healing, to give to who I’m talking to. I decided that if I could just put all of this information in one spot and hand someone a simple business card with a web address, those hungry, thirsty and/or desperate for the more that is promised to us in scripture souls could go straight to this resource for some help and guidance.
A Bit About Me:
I’m married to the world’s most absolutely amazing man on the planet coming upon 30 years. I don’t know what I did to warrant such a saint for a husband but I suppose God knew that it would take a mighty special man to understand me - much less live with me day in and day out. I’m also the momma to four absolutely incredible humans, and now two stunning daughter in laws and the most absolutely PERFECT grand baby girl EVER.
Being worship leaders, youth workers and serial entrepreneurs, my husband and I have spent the majority of our 30 years of marriage pressing in deeply for unity as a couple and as family. Because of this deeply held desire to navigate as much of life as we possibly could together as a family, we forged a radically different path through unschooling, traveling together as often as possible as well as including our children in any and every area of our lives, our ministries and our businesses that we were able and that they were interested in.
Knowing that this radical departure from all that was known at the time, our parenting journey could have gone horribly wrong. However, our lives of faith and our radical obedience to following the Holy Spirt as we navigated these decisions as a family brought about a family richness, closeness and depth that one can only dream about. Because there is no template it can feel scary and uncertain. However, I’ve found that when seasoned in steep prayer, and lived out in faith, God orders our lives and stories in ways that we couldn’t have ever dreamed nor planned.
Now that our kids are all grown and out living their own lives, my purpose and calling is to know Jesus and make Him known, as well as help others live full lives and stories that will set this world on fire. Or at the very least, navigate the journey this side of eternity with the peace of God, the fullness of life and the limitless freedom that Yeshua came to give.