Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here…….
I’m Leslie and I created this place, because like most of you, I have experienced a lot of ups and downs in my life that have created an incredibly glorious tapestry. However, being largely unaware of the devastating affects of trauma in my own life, I had lived the majority of my life from a shut down heart and a shattered mind without even being aware of it. A fateful encounter with a brilliant psychologist, sharing about how undiagnosed trauma affects our minds, our bodies and our spirits, completely brought down the house of cards that I had built in order to protect a deeply orphaned and traumatized little girl; and her various ages and roles ever since. My journey toward healing as a result of this encounter has led me down many different paths that I believe can help provide some helpful guides and road maps for others coming behind that might be struggling with similar issues.
I have no desire to attempt to sell or advertise any particular products, ministries, organizations, etc. except solely for the purpose of providing you a resource/tool for your own journey. I am not personally benefitting (financially or in any other way) from you going to them for help or assistance. I’ve just found myself in conversation upon conversation in which I end up jotting down a bunch of resources, that have been useful to me (and/or to others that I know and love) in my journey toward wholeness and healing, to give to who I’m talking to. I decided that if I could just put all of this information in one spot and hand someone a simple business card with a web address, those hungry, thirsty and/or desperate for the more that is promised to us in scripture souls could go straight to this resource for some help and guidance.